Welcome to Rockford baptist Church

Come and experience Rockford Baptist Church. 

We are a church that is passionate about faith, family, friendship, and finding our calling. 

Whether you're just starting to explore your faith in Christ, or have been following Him for a lifetime, you are welcome here. 

Our mission is to teach God's Word and model Christ in our


SUNDAY morning Worship

March 30 | 11 am

Pastor Justin Rowland

Exodus: Rescue & Redemption

Check out our new podcast

Click here to listen to our new podcast "Beyond the Sermon". 

  • Sunday School  9:30 - 10:30 AM | Coffee Fellowship 10:30 - 11 AM | Worship Service 11:00 AM | RBCYouth 5 - 7 PM

    Livestream of the service will be available on RBC Facebook Live and on the RBC YouTube channel. 

    • You can give your tithe and offerings in person or click DONATE for online or mail-in instructions.
    • If you have questions or concerns, please contact the church office.
  •          If you visited us for the first time, please click HERE to fill out our guest survey.