Welcome to Rockford baptist Church

Come and experience Rockford Baptist Church. 

We are a church that is passionate about faith, family, friendship, and finding our calling. 

Whether you're just starting to explore your faith in Christ, or have been following Him for a lifetime, you are welcome here. 

Our mission is to teach God's Word and model Christ in our


SUNDAY morning Worship

January 12 | 11 am

Pastor Justin Rowland


Teach Us to Pray

Luke 11:1-4

You’ve probably heard it said that some things are better caught than taught.  Much of discipleship is this way, including prayer.  This week's message reminds us that some of Jesus’ most important teaching on prayer arose from his disciples watching him pray and wanting to pray more like their Teacher.  Jesus taught his disciples a model prayer that was less about the mechanics of what to say to God and more about knowing the God to whom they were praying.  

The Pavement Project


Spread the gift of warmth by donating new or gently used winter coats and help us reach our goal of 100 coats!

Size Large or XL preferred.

The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.' 

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Matthew 25:40

Cancellation of services

due to bad weather

If conditions require the cancellation of services, we will attempt to make this decision by 7:45 am on Sunday morning and by 3:00 pm on Wednesdays.  Cancellations will be posted on WZZM and WOODTV as well as our Facebook page, and an email will be sent out when possible.  For Wednesday Night Activities, we do not automatically cancel events if Rockford Schools are closed. 

The safety of our Church Family is very important to us!  If anyone feels the weather or driving conditions are hazardous, we encourage them to please remain at home and not venture out.   

  • Sunday School  9:30 - 10:30 AM | Coffee Fellowship 10:30 - 11 AM | Worship Service 11:00 AM | RBCYouth 5 - 7 PM

    Livestream of the service will be available on RBC Facebook Live and on the RBC YouTube channel. 

    • You can give your tithe and offerings in person or click DONATE for online or mail-in instructions.
    • If you have questions or concerns, please contact the church office.
  •          If you visited us for the first time, please click HERE to fill out our guest survey.