This song is believed to have been an 8th Century Irish Hymn that was translated by Eleanor Hull in 1912. It has the rich lyrics of many of our favorite hymns. It tells of our relationship to God for salvation and guidance as Christians. It is very good to use its words to meditate on God and His love for us and shows it is He that should command all our love. In today’s culture and life style that is often overlooked, as Christians seem to want to fit in with the world, rather than being the salt and light.
These are some thoughts that I have on this great hymn.
One verse is “Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart. Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art. Thou my best thought, by day or by night. Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.
The writer tells of the Lord being his vision and best thought every minute of the day and night. Waking or sleeping He is our light. Would it not be wonderful if we did that? If we kept God in the forefront of our mind and heart. If only we would use His light to shine into the darkness of this world to keep us on the correct path. Often times we sway from that true path and set our sights on other things. We are caught up in spending much time at work, sitting our sites on the material goods of this world, spending hours watching TV, looking at the internet or many other things. Looking out for the well being of our family or relaxing a little is not wrong of course, but if at the end of the day we have spent the vast majority of our day on the business of the world and a small part on dwelling on the Lord, in Bible Study and Praying; we have missed the boat. Paul writes in Philippians 4:8 “Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy - meditate on these things.” NKJV
Another verse reads like this “Be Thou my Wisdom and Thou my true word. I ever with Thee and Thou with me. Lord Thou my great Father, I Thy true son. Thou in me dwelling and I with Thee one.”
This is such a rich verse. The writer is asking for wisdom and His true word. If ever our world needed great wisdom and truth, it is now. For many, truth is whatever they think it is. They listen to those around them and are influence into what they believe truth really is, neglecting the author of truth; the living God and His Bible. The answer is so near, but they do not see. The writer is also asking to walk alongside our Lord “ever with thee and Thou with me.” Have you ever noticed how free and at peace you feel when you are walking with God, by way of daily Bible Study, Prayer, and a sincere desire to follow the Holy Spirit as He gently guides us into doing what God desires for us daily. It is such a joy and satisfying feeling. When we start to drift away, we can feel the difference and it guides us back. Then in the next verse, we hear the words, Father and Son. We have the God of this universe, the God that created out of nothing everything that does exist, the Father that sent Jesus to save the world; as our Father and we are His son. He has given all power to us to overcome the world and to live for Him on a daily basis. As Christians, His love for us is unlimited and we live to show His glory to the rest of the world. The final verse says He is dwelling in us. He knows every care and frustration that we have. He knows every battle that we fight to live for Him. He knows every sin we do and have to confess to Him, yet His love never wavers and He never refuses to forgive us and give us everything we need to live a victorious life for Him.
If you take time to get away from the hustle of life and just play this great Hymn, concentrating fully on its words, you will come away blessed by God. The words of this great Hymn and the Holy Spirit that lives in you, will give testimony to how great our Father is and how much He loves us; wanting only the best for our life.
Dale Heminger
RBC Visitation Pastor