• CRU - Orlando, Florida

    Shawn serves as a special projects coordinator and project manager with The JESUS Film Project.

  • Jim & Janice dahl

    WORLDVENTURE - Netherlands

    Serving in the Netherlands at Tyndale Theological Seminary. 

  • BRAZIL GOSPEL FELLOWSHIP - Brazil, South America

    Serving in Campo Bom, Rio Grande do Sul Brazil as field treasurer, with Church Planting, discipleship & counseling, camp ministries, & teaching English as an evangelistic tool.

  • BASE CAMP URBAN OUTREACH - Grand Rapids,  Michigan

    Kelly is the director for BCUO. She has worked with over 5,000 children and teens, providing them with the knowledge and skills necessary to make positive life choices and discover career paths through a caring community of businesses, churches,  and volunteers.                                                                                                                                                                             

  • Dave & Diane Ford

    ABWE / GAP - Thailand

    The Ford’s ministry is called GAP – Global Access Partnerships. GAP strives to help nationals reach nationals. They meet with national pastors/leaders and seek to form partnerships where they can help them in their church planting ministries. Since arriving in Thailand, they have helped facilitate a partnership between Woodside Bible Church and the Akha in Chiang Rai, Thailand. They helped the Woodside team in Thailand when they came in March 2006 and have continued to try to assist both Woodside and the Akha as the orphanage was built.

  • WORLDVENTURE - Centennial, Colorado

    Leadership training and evangelism.

  • BRAZIL GOSPEL FELLOWSHIP - Brazil, South America

    Serving in Fortaleza Brazil with church planting, home Bible studies, & New Hope Bible Training Center.



  • Assure Women's Center

    SERVICE MINISTRY - Cedar Springs, Michigan

    The mission of the Assure Women's Center is to affirm and promote the sanctity of human life, the value of the family, and Biblical sexuality in our community.  assurewomen.org

  • Homes Giving Hope

    SERVICE MINISTRY - Rockford, Michigan

    Independent Living with support for adults with unique abilities.  homesgivinghope.org

  • North Kent Connect

    SERVICE MINISTRY - Rockford, Michigan

    Vision:    A community of thriving people.

    Mission: North Kent Connect is a Christian organization committed to improving the lives of all people in northern Kent County by providing access to basic needs and promoting economic independence.  nkconnect.org


    Christian Summer Overnight & Day Camps | Cedar Springs, Michigan

    Pine Ridge provides Christian summer overnight and day camp experiences that are designed to create life impacting change. Located on beautiful Pine Lake, Pine Ridge exists to share and model the message of Jesus in a safe, innovative, and relational setting.  pineridgecamp.com