Adult ministries

ABF | SUNday school


SUNDAYS |  9:30 - 10:30 AM

OPEN CLASS | Media Center | Al Cornelius

  • "Are You Rapture Ready?" from the book 'The Great Disappearance' by David Jeremiah

MEN'S CLASS | Hyde House Conference Room | Steve Danigelis

  • Erwin Lutzer "One Minute After You Die" 

YOUNG ADULTS (18 - 29) | Hyde House Upstairs | Tim Quinn

  • Philippians

WOMEN'S CLASS  | Carlson Family Center | Jessi Rowland

  • Celebration of Psalms | Each week, a different participant will share a favorite Psalm, leading us in reading, reflection, discussion, and prayer. This will be a wonderful time of encouragement, connection, and growing in God’s word together!

Life Groups

            Life Groups are more than just a meeting ... 

                                                                 they're about doing life together.


What are Life Groups at Rockford Baptist? How can I benefit from being part of one? These are great questions that anyone new to RBC should ask. Here are some answers for you:

  • Life groups exist to promote relationships together. Let’s face it…It is challenging to build relationships by only attending a worship service once a week on Sunday morning. God has designed us for more. We need relationships that go deeper and friendships that are more meaningful than just knowing someone’s face and name. 
  • Life Groups exist to promote spiritual growth in the context of community. Just as God has designed us for relationships, He has also designed us to grow together with him. There are hundreds of “one another” passages in the Bible that teach that growth occurs best in the context of community.
  • Life Groups exist to promote outreach and service. God has called us to serve our communities, but serving alone is hard. As we serve the community together in the context of a Life Group, we find that it is not only easier, but fun! 

If you are attending RBC, we would welcome you to talk to Tim Quinn, our worship leader and Discipleship Pastor,  to find out more and discover how to get involved in a life group. 



Men's Ministries


    Every Wednesday  |  9 AM to 12 PM

    • For all men interested in helping do small projects around the church
  • Men's Bible Study

    Select Tuesdays  |  6:00 PM | Carlson Family Center

    • March 11, 2025
    • March 25, 2025
    • April 8, 2025
    • April 22, 2025

    1st Saturday of every month (please check calendar for exact dates)  |  8:00 AM  |  New Beginnings Restaurant (5200 Northland Drive)

    • Men, this is your opportunity to join us for breakfast, fellowship, and prayer.
    • Bring a friend or neighbor.
    • Men will cover their own costs.
  • Men's bible study - wednesdays

    Wednesdays | 4:15 - 5:15 PM | Office Conference Room | Pastor Tim Quinn

    STUDY: Thessalonians


    Wednesdays | 6-7 PM | Office Conference Room

    RBC Men's Ministries invites you to attend this weekly prayer meeting. 

  • Men's Bible Study

    Thursdays | 6:55 - 8:25 PM | Carlson Family Center

    REVELATION: The Hope

    For centuries, people have attempted to unlock the mysteries of Revelation. In Revelation: The Hope, we will discover that Jesus Christ is central to every prophecy, promise, and passage. Revelation gives us hope of a world made new by the redemption and restoration that Jesus offers today and for eternity.

    BSF Men’s groups offer straight talk and biblical truth built on the foundation of Jesus Christ. We meet for a small-group discussion of the lesson, hear from a teaching leader how the truths of Scripture can be applied to daily life, and receive comprehensive notes on the Scripture passages you studied.

    For more information and to sign up: