The best time of the year, as we celebrate the birth of our Lord. A time to reflect on the miraculous work of God. He sent His son to be born in a lowly manger and suffer many things, the worst being the cross, for a undeserving world and people. A baby that was fully God and fully man. Of anyone ever born He truly deserved to be born in splendor. A birth surrounded by the best of things.
Instead He was born in a stable, such as might have been if He had been a slave or even a shepherd. In a wooden trough. Perhaps it was filled with hay and had some old rags for the baby to be wrapped in. Indeed, the first to hear of His birth were lowly shepherds. Not a good beginning for a future King. That is, not to man’s way of thinking. God sent His son to the poorest of the poor, to show that salvation is for everyone. He did not care how poor you are or how rich. It is a free gift for all of mankind.
To any visitor that may be reading this, we here at Rockford Baptist Church wish you a joyful time as you celebrate Christmas. Not the Christmas that the world portrays, but the true Christmas of the birth of Jesus. The one sent by God to forgive us of our sins and then after we accept the free gift of Salvation; He gives us the Holy Spirit to guide us in living for Him.
It has been a busy time for all, I am sure, with all of the busyness of Christmas time. A traditional time of a number of days off from work and school. There may have been work parties and of course many times of being with family and friends. Sometimes, even with our best efforts, there may be days when we kind of set aside our thinking of what Christmas is all about. We may even find there is momentarily a time of “no room in the Inn”.
Instead, may we always remember why we celebrate Christmas and all year long remember and serve God, our great King.
In Christian Love
Dale Heminger
Visitation Pastor