Meeting every Wednesday | June - August | for all teens going into 6 - graduated 12th grade
Questions, contact our summer assistant youth pastor - Kaden Liggett via phone or email KADENLIGGETT14@GMAIL.COM
Wednesdays in JULY - AUGUST 9
Meeting every Wednesday | June - August | for all teens going into 6 - graduated 12th grade
Questions, contact our summer assistant youth pastor - Kaden Liggett via phone or email KADENLIGGETT14@GMAIL.COM
August 9
6 - 9:00 PM
End of the Summer Bash
will be enjoying a nice day at Wabasis lake.
Bring a swimsuit and towel. Free of charge!
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Special activities
Please note the upcoming events.
Questions, contact our summer assistant youth pastor - Kaden Liggett via phone or email KADENLIGGETT14@GMAIL.COM
or check out the RBC Youth Google Calendar.
Weekend at Silver Lake
July 28 – 30
Enjoy a weekend in Silver Lake at the Conner's cottage! Bring towel, swimsuit, sleeping supplies (pillow, sleeping bag, air mattress, etc...), toiletries, extra clothes, and money for Friday night dinner on the way to the house.
High School
Cedar Point Trip
AUGUST 2-4 | Leaving the church Tuesday @ 1:00 PM
Our Cedar Point trip is right around the corner!
Cost is $80 per person (includes an all-day drink and eating pass). The campground provides all you can eat pancakes so that is a DEFINITE plus!
Bring money for meals while traveling on the road and for spending at the park, + extra money for spending at the park, money for meals along the way, an extra set of clothes; comfortable shoes; sunscreen and water for the park, along with sleeping bag/pillow, towel/washcloth; toiletries; and swimsuit for camping.
Thursday will be the return trip.
If you’re interested in signing up for this VERY fun trip, please contact Amy Kauffman or the church office.
High School weekend Getaway
July 22 - 24
High school students will be going to the Eadelman cottage in Ludington.
Coming Events
Check out what's coming up!
Sunday February 12
Meet at the church at 5:00 PM if you need a ride, otherwise meet us at the Eadelman's house.
Come hungery, bring a friend, and prepare to CHEER on your team!
Questions, contact Pastor Justin.
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December 30
Night shift @ 3-Mile Project
All RBCY and their friends
3:30 - 10:30 PM
Spring Hill Retreat
2023 Winter Retreat @ SpringHill
FYI for Parents
You as parents are a huge part of what we are trying to accomplish at RBCY.
As a result, we want to keep you as well informed and well resourced as possible. Check out the the sections below for more help.
Weekly Discussion Guide - Ever asked your kid what they talked about in church only to be met with a blank stare and silence? This sheet will give you the real answer and helpful follow up questions, as well as info about upcoming events and a verse to pray over your kids.
Parent and Student Resource List - Is your kid struggle with an issue that you haven't dealt with before? Do you want to make sure your home is internet safe? Have you ever wondered where to go for counseling help? This resource list will give a variety of books, website, organizations and much more that are designed to help you and your kids walk through life.
RBCY is for students 6th through 12th grade.
At RBCY we are all about helping students to Engage in the Gospel and Expand it’s effects here on earth. A typical gathering usually includes some hangout and games, some time spent in the Bible, and wraps up with talking through what that means for us today.
5 - 7:00 PM | Meeting at RBC in the JAR
By changing the night to Sunday we hope it is a better fit for your family’s busy schedules and allow more kids to be involved and excited about youth group.
And yes, we will be providing dinner each night!
Questions, contact Pastor Justin or the church office.
Tuesday Small Group bible study
This summer we doing a small group Bible Study on Tuesday Mornings at 10 AM
at the church.
Wednesday RBCY
We meet every Wednesday during the school year from 6:30 - 8:00 (unless noted)
Every Wednesday looks a little different, but you can expect everything from social nights, just hanging out around the church, to service projects, to a more typical "churchy" night with some teaching and small group discussion.
You can always check out the discussion guide below to see what the week will look like.
Sunday School
Every Sunday - 9:30 am in the JAR (Youth room in basement)
This is our time to dig deeper into God's Word and hear his heart for us. Come join us as we study God's Word together.
Small Groups
Every 1st Sunday During the School Year from 4-8 PM
Small Group Sundays are when we really focus on our personal and communal spiritual growth. What is it that we can do on our own and in our community to grow closer to Jesus. We will read from the Bible, pray for each other, and enjoy some fun together.
Stay in Touch
Social Media
Instagram - @rbcy_youthgroup
Facebook - RBCY
Text - Send "@rbcytexts" to 81010
RBCY Super Bowl Bash
FUN–FOOD–FOOTBALL. Cheer on your favorite Super Bowl team, while hanging out with your friends.
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